The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
Very cool site I am also a member of

Saturday, April 16, 2016

I'm hoping I don't have to go to the ER tonight

I fell in the shower a few minutes ago.  Were it not for my shower having a seat on both sides, I probably would have fallen through the glass door. 

As it is, I sat down HARD to keep from falling forward through the glass when my right leg just stopped working as it is apt to do from time to time.

I sat so hard I'm afraid I might have broken my tailbone or done even further damage to my lumbar spine on top of the fused vertebrae and several herniated discs.

But I didn't go through the glass doors.

It's extremely painful to sit right now and my right leg still isn't back to working it's normal 65-80%.

But I didn't fall through the two six foot tall twenty six inch wide each, overlapping glass doors.

I think I damaged my faucet from grabbing it to redirect my fall into a sitting down motion.

But I didn't fall through two large glass doors.

Can you tell the idea of possibly falling through those doors terrifies the hell out of me?

The idea that I might get cut, especially when I'm in the shower and even more vulnerable, scare the piss out of me.

Water plus bad cuts means cuts won't close and clot properly.

Also being wet means if I yell for help my kid,s they will have a very difficult time trying to get me up.  I weigh 280 lbs, I'll admit I put on about 35 lbs since 2004 since my back surgery, but you can't really exercise when number one, you are in constant pain, and number two exercise makes you hurt MORE!

Time to take some meds and lie down.  Hopefully my legs will start working somewhat and the pain will go down enough I can get some sleep.

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