The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Remember Fast and Furious? Operation Gun Runner? Remember Brian Terry?

Over on, they have an article/interview with ne of the clerks who worked in a gunstore selling to the cartels.  I'll give you what I think is just ONE of the "Money Quotes"

"Everything Wound Up More Dangerous Than If We Had Just Not Called

If our source's store had just followed their guts and refused to sell to the most obviously sketchy buyers, the world would've been a little bit safer. Instead, the ATF lost 1,400 (or more!) weapons to Mexico. Two of those weapons were tracked to the murder of a U.S. Border Patrol agent:"

No mention of the "THIRD" firearm that was found at the scene of Agent Terry's murder.  But at least they acknowledge two of them.

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