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Monday, April 11, 2016

What's on my Kindle - The Reaches by David Drake

"A thousand years ago, the human empire collapsed. Now mankind is reclaiming the galaxy, and ships hurtle between the stars, hoping to reap the rich opportunities of this new age of trade and exploration. But there are wars springing up, with new tyrants seizing whole planets, while other planets are rebelling against the powers that hold them captive. And lurking in the dark spaces between the stars are pirates, plundering all sides in the conflicts. It is the golden age of space travel, and it is possible for a brave man or woman to become very wealthy-or very dead."

I first read The Reaches many years ago when I bought one of David Weber's Honor Harrington novels in Hard back and it included a CD-ROM  of over 30 Baen Novelists books in various E-book formats.

It turned me on to David Drake as an author, and I have enjoyed other works of his ever since.

But The Reaches, is the first of his works that I have read.

At times it is a bit slow, but the wait is worth it as you find yourself involved in the story, and soon you find yourself invested in the characters.

So click on that blub above to go to the page where you can buy the Kindle edition of this novel.

I think you'll like it.

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