The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Excuse me?!?!

"FEMA , the Red Cross, and the department of homeland security are now using taxpayer money to educate children in public schools about ‘getting ready for disaster’. But why would government agencies hold interest in this? Is it because they want schools to be safer, or because they want citizens to flee to FEMA camps in a time of crisis?"

For kids who live in the inner city I can see the idea of a centralized location to go to after a disaster.  However how would that work for kids in the urban and rural areas? 

I'm sorry if there is a disaster, I don't want my kids in some "Camp" I want my kids with ME.  I want to be able to hold my kids and be sure they are ok, and to be able to take them with me.

After Hurricane Sandy there were reports of people not being allowed to leave the so called "Shelters" under the penalty of not being allowed back in to that shelter or any other shelter.  If you don't believe me, look it up.  The information is out there, and if you look it up for yourself you might actually believe it.

So a disaster happens, your kids are taken to a "Camp" and you can't take them out because the .GOV doesn't know if your home is safe, or if you own firearms or any other nutty thing.  You can come in but if you want help you can't leave, and they won't let you take your kids out.

Sound paranoid?

Do your research, that is EXACTLY some of the things FEMA and DHS have been trying to implement.

Once again, do your own searches if you don't believe me.  I know many people would disbelieve any links I post because they would think I would cherry pick them to support my view.  So do your own searches and find out for yourself if what I am saying is true or not.

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