The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
Very cool site I am also a member of

Monday, May 20, 2013


Once again Bob Owens has some info for you

Dimwitted microstamping law goes into effect in California 

I was an assistant gunsmith in Missouri, I worked on mostly black powder firearms, but I did do some work on modern weapons.  And I could make a firing pin for most weapons with a drill clamped into a vise and a few files.  Use a propane torch and some used motor oil to heat treat it and voila you're done with a micro stamp free firing pin.  It's not that hard and doesn't take that long.

The whole idea behind microstamping came about because some guy had an idea, which he then lobbied many lawmakers to implement a law so he could make money off of his patent for microstamping.

That is how we now have a ridiculous new law that will do NOTHING to prevent violence.

But someone is going to make money.

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