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Thursday, December 24, 2015

What's on my Kindle - Part Four - Elizabth Moon

Ms. Moon is another author who is very prolific.  And I will only put down the 2 series and a couple of individual books from other series of hers that I have on my kindle.  Even though I have read the other series, I don't have them on my Kindle and checked them out of the library because the publisher insists on such a high price for the Kindle versions of the books.  So I bought them at the half price store in paperback instead.  If the prices were more reasonable, I'd buy them again in Kindle version just to have them available when I travel.

Heris Serrano
This is actually a 3 book Omnibus version.  Part of the Serrano Legacy Series.  I have all of the books in paperback but I couldn't find them when I wanted to re-read them so I bought the whole 9 book series in 3 omnibus books.

The Serrano Connection
The second of three Omnibus books of the Serrano Legacy.

The Serrano Succession
The final Omnibus book of the Serrano Legacy.

Planet Pirates
Written with Anne McCaffrey and Jodi Lynn Nye, the trilogy brought together in one volume is VERY good.

I'm still waiting for an Omnibus Edition of Vatta's War to be put out, to save me a little bit of money.

Ms. Moon's Authors page is:  Elizabeth Moon

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