The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
Very cool site I am also a member of

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Yes that photo is NSFW, but you have to see it to understand something.  Look at the faces of the women attacking Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard.  What do you see in their faces?  Now look at the Archbishop.  What do you see?

The women were attacking the Archbishop for the Catholic Church's "Hatred" of Gays.  I ask you, who is the true "Hater" in that picture?  The man who sits there and quietly prays?  Or the women who with their visages twisted into snarls attack him in public with a symbol of his faith?

Tell me, just who is intolerant?

Who is the Hatemonger?

Who is perverting the symbols of anothers faith to strike out at them?

I've had people attack my faith and me for having it.  And yet I do not attack them.  And this seems to just egg them on to greater efforts of attack upon my faith.

Why is that?

You tell me, "Who" is the hater?

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