to the property and do some shooting today. However the storms that came through last night and are still rolling through my area put the kibosh on that idea. A neighbor called me and told me that the ditch I normally shoot down into so I have a backstop is full with about 4 feet of water. So I know that even with four wheel drive I wouldn't be able to even to get to the back of the property where I have my boards setup. Legally I can shoot in the backyard, however I don't have a backstop and I'm uncomfortable shooting anything larger than the BB Gun or the Pellet rifles here unless I'm shooting a snake with one of the shotguns.
I really need to put the membership fee for the range down in AP into the budget, but with graduation and all the kids summer programs still needing to be paid for it's going to be tight. However on the plus side having a key to the range to shoot whenever I want to, and the possibility of being able to shoot after dark might make up for the cost.
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