The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Friday, May 10, 2013

Yes it is my birthday

yes I am 45 years old today.  My friend John won tickets to the Jimi Hendrix Kiss Tribute band in Corpus Christi this evening so that's where I'll be later.  That's all I plan on doing for my birthday.

Thank you for your Birthday wishes.


Old NFO said...

Hippo birdie to ewe! And many more!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Youngster :)

I'll be celebrating mine later this month by helping turn a lot of money into smoke and noise!

Attending a concert isn't a bad way to spend the day.

B said...

indeed. Happy Birthday.

Have fun

CoolChange©© said...

Good grief you're just a young pup! Enjoy a hundred more my friend!