The Replica Prop Forum

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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Hackers can take over your new car

"As I drove the Jeep back toward Miller’s house from downtown St. Louis, however, the notion of car hacking hardly seemed like a threat that will wait three to five years to emerge. In fact, it seemed more like a matter of seconds; I felt the vehicle’s vulnerability, the nagging possibility that Miller and Valasek could cut the puppet’s strings again at any time.

The hackers holding the scissors agree. “We shut down your engine—a big rig was honking up on you because of something we did on our couch,” Miller says, as if I needed the reminder. “This is what everyone who thinks about car security has worried about for years. This is a reality.”"

As our vehicles become more and more connected, the risks of an outside party entering our vehicle's systems and possibly taking them over becomes more and more possible.

As a Consumer, I WANT the ability to be able to shut off, firewall and sandbox any vehicle that I drive. At the flip of a switch, I want the ability to turn off anything which can report on me, track me or allow an outside party from entering my vehicle's systems. Until THAT is in place, I will NOT be purchasing a newer vehicle.

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