The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
Very cool site I am also a member of

Friday, July 5, 2013

Gun Bloggers list

North took down the Gun Bloggers Blacklist.  He has been having issues going on with his off-line world and had said in the past that he wasn't sure how long he could keep up with the GBBL.

Now saying that, the GBBL was a really good resource, and I found a LOT of blogs I probably never would have before.

I am willing to put up a similar blog to the GBBL but it wouldn't be called that obviously, but I don't want people to think I'm just trying to cash in on what North has done.

So if anyone doesn't want me to put it up, or has any suggestions or anything else, lease leave a comment.

As for a name for it I was thinking simplicity would be best.

The Gun Blog List

If I did it, the only thing I would ask would be to have a single link to it on your blog separate from any other links, so it wouldn't get lost in the shuffle, like North asked us to do with the banner for the GBBL





Bonnie said...

Sounds good to me.

Jennifer said...

sounds good. I'm going to need something to replace my GBBL banner anyway.