The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Let your High School age kids know this

CORPUS CHRISTI - Social media has become a huge factor in today's society, everybody has a Twitter or Facebook account. Lebron James has 10 million followers on Twitter - 10 MILLION!!

Local high school athletes may not have as many followers as King James, but they are being monitored just as closely.

"It's not easy - it's a daily process," Flour Bluff Athletic Director Darrell Andrus said. "Our kids aren't perfect but we try to police that in a manner and they understand that we want them to represent this program in the right fashion."

This can keep them from even getting a visit from a college recruiter.  And you also need to reinforce with them that many companies, looking to hire also look at your social media presence.  Your Twitter, Facebook or even your old Myspace account.  Prospective colleges and employers look to be sure you or your offspring don't represent an improper image for them.

SO be sure your accounts, or your kids accounts don't show a wrong image.

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