The Replica Prop Forum

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

NSA spying on you in new and novel ways

"The National Security Agency is harvesting hundreds of millions of contact lists from personal e-mail and instant messaging accounts around the world, many of them belonging to Americans, according to senior intelligence officials and top-secret documents provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

The collection program, which has not been disclosed before, intercepts e-mail address books and “buddy lists” from instant messaging services as they move across global data links. Online services often transmit those contacts when a user logs on, composes a message, or synchronizes a computer or mobile device with information stored on remote servers.

Rather than targeting individual users, the NSA is gathering contact lists in large numbers that amount to a sizable fraction of the world’s e-mail and instant messaging accounts. Analysis of that data enables the agency to search for hidden connections and to map relationships within a much smaller universe of foreign intelligence targets."

So everytime you use one the various instant messaging programs, your contact list is being collected.  And on many of those contact lists are not just the IM ID but the E-mail address of all of your contacts.

Why would they need my contact list?  Have I done something illegal?  Am I a threat?

What about you?  your spouse?  Your kids?  Have they done something illegal?  Are they threats?

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