The Replica Prop Forum

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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Union of Concerned Scientists, how's that integrity?

"Last week the environmental lobbying group the Union ofConcerned Scientists issued a new report entitled "AClimate of Corporate Control: How Corporations Have Influenced theU.S. Dialogue on Climate Science and Policy" [PDF]. Among otherthings, the report claims to trace corporate donations in 2008 and2009 to think tanks and politicians as a way to uncover the truecorporate attitudes and intentions toward climate change scienceand policy. According to the UCS, its analysis reveals that somecorporations are climate-change science hypocrites, claiming tosupport the climate-change “consensus” in some venues but not inothers. This climate hypocrisy allegedly produces confusion amongboth the public and policymakers, resulting in the defeat or delayof urgent policies needed to address climate change."

You know if you want to retain even a shred of respectability, you might want to, I don't know report the verifiable facts.  Instead of your own personal biases, and the biases of the AGW crowd.  The old saying, the truth will set you free, in this case is factual.  The truth will set you free of the derision you are helping to heap on yourself through  your insistence on denying, hiding or flat out misrepresenting actual data that doesn't support your pet hypothesis.  You are doing more to damage the integrity of science than the Catholic church did to it's integrity with it's persecution of Galileo and it's handling of the pedophilia of it's priests.  At the rate you are going, no one will trust anything you say, any results you present.  Is it worth it?  Is it worth being the media's newest darling?  And the darling of the left?  I'd like you to remember, just how fickle the left and the media actually are.  Just look for yourself, and see how many of their darlings have been thrown under the bus of history.

So again, I ask you.  Is it worth it to continue to push this collectivist agenda, which has nothing to do with actual real, repeatable science.  Instead it is for taking control of industry, with regulations and laws that have nothing to do with actual attempts to reduce any type of emission.  They have to do with the left wanting to exert more control over others for their own selfish ends and goals.  They want to control what foods others can eat, what clothes they can wear, what type of car they can drive.  You see it isn't about "Climate Change" to them it's all about "Control", and you are destroying your own integrity to help them.

I hope you feel good about yourself.

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