The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Border Security in my neck of the woods.

See where the marker is?  that is the CBP station in Kingsville.  Go down the highway to Sarita.  That is where the CBP has a checkpoint.  And something was recently seized at Sarita.

"FALFURRIAS - Border Patrol agents working the Sarita checkpoint seized more than 3,500 pounds of marijuana during inspections of two tractor trailers on Wednesday.
Both trucks were headed north on Highway 77 when agents pulled them aside at the checkpoint for a secondary inspection."

This is less than 80 miles from my house.  What ELSE is getting through our border, that ISN'T getting found?  And what IS getting found that we aren't being told about.

When I play around with one of my improvised antennas and one of my scanners when I point them south I can on occasion hear on .FED and .MIL frequencies requests for translators, once I heard a request for HAZ-MAT, but never saw anything on the news about an accident needing Haz-Mat.  Note the .FED channels are usually encrypted, occasionally the .MIL channels will be. 

Now riddle me this.  This is Texas, all of the CBP personnel are Bi-Lingual, it's a requirement of their job.  They need to speak english and spanish.  Why would they ask for a translator?

Remember when the Russian Akula was in the Gulf?  And I saw a LOT of aircraft with MAD gear?  That post is HERE.  What AREN'T we being told?

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