The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Thursday, June 6, 2013

I am NOT a Neanderthal despite what some may say

"A gentleman spoke at a graduation and his words have offended some. Those words in question? Here they are, paraphrased by me of course:

That if they (girls) felt that their calling was to be pursue professional careers, god bless them, but that the world doesn't need more billion dollar women CEO as much as it needs that our culture currently scorns, mothers."

There is much truth in what that gentleman said.  Motherhood is scorned, degraded and  ridiculed by the Leftist Feminists.  My mother didn't need to be a CEO to validate her existence.  She did however have to be my mother.  And she did a DAMNED good job if you ask me.  She made some mistakes along the way all parents do, especially to 3 boys.  She and my dad did their best to raise my brothers and I to be good productive members of society.  For the most part, I feel they did.

However the man has a valid point and for someone to be "Offended" by it tells me they have the problem.  Not him.

And as I've said many times, You don't have a Right to NOT be offended.

So get over yourself.

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