My friend Wayne a Vietnam Vet and he is disabled just had his house burn down. I was sitting here doing my blogroll with my scanner going and I heard a call for the fire department for a fully engulfed structure fire and his address. I called his cell phone immediately and got ahold of him, he was at the Legion Hall. He drove back over just as the fire department got the main fire down. He texted me his whole house is burned to the ground with all of his stuff. I just texted him and asked him to send me some pics, so please keep him in your prayers. I already told him he could crash in my daughters room, she can go back over to her mom's house for a bit.
If you can help please send me an e-mail at
Wayne was just over |
Wayne just left here. He spent last night at a local motel and we've got him a housesitting for a week at another friends house. We are trying to find an old camping trailer for him so he doesn't have to pay rent while we figure out how to go on from here.
And if anyone has an old camping trailer they don't want anymore, even in bad condition that's near the Corpus Christi area, if you wouldn't mind donating it or selling it really cheap, please let me know.
Looking into what was the kitchen |
Looking into his living room |
Wayne's Bedroom |
That was his living room |
Looking into the living room |
His Kitchen |
Living room looking towards where the wall was |
That was a new ladder |
Looking in through is daughters bedroom window |
The other side, last summer we replaced the plywood on the wall |
There was a wall there, looking into his son's bedroom window |
The back hallway leading to his bedroom bathroom and laundry area |
That was his kitchen |
the back wall |
looking into his son's room |
No roof over his son's room |
from the street |
They still have no idea what could have started the fire. Wayne had been gone awhile before I heard the call on my scanner and called him. Right now he is over at another friends house trying to figure out how to go on from this.
If you can help, please send me an e-mail at my address
Local TV Station Report South Texas, Corpus Christi, Coastal Bend
Truly sorry to hear that. Thankfully HE is okay.
I am as well.
I'm glad no one was hurt.
I'll drop you an email shortly and get some info on how to send something.
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