The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
Very cool site I am also a member of

Friday, February 22, 2013

I just found out my kids school has been on lockdown

after the Walmart next door got robbed.  The robbery occurred over an hour ago and the school's automated system just FINALLY notified me.

I normally have my scanner on 24/7, however I was working on some sound files and had my headphones on so I didn't hear what was going on.

Now that 3 of my kids are home, they rode home on the bus, the schools automated system calls me to inform me that the car riders and bus riders have been sent home.  The students who walk to school or drive themselves are still being detained at the school.

When the school district, (Which in my case is really a good district and careful of the kids safety) waits over an hour before making notifications, how am I supposed to trust them if there is something more serious?

I will update this post when and if the news gets it's tail in gear.


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