The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Friday, May 31, 2024

No one was expecting this! Democrat TURNS on her party while voting! - Liberal Hivemind

The ATF Coming After Antique Guns - The Blind Sniper

How Nuclear War Between Russia and United States Would Affect YOU - The Infographics Show

You Have NO RIGHT To Acquire Firearms Says California - Copper Jacket TV

EXPOSED! U.S. Military bases are UNDER ATTACK in the U.S. Why is Biden hiding this? | REDACTED NEWS

1986 FBI Miami Shootout: Where Modern Ballistics Testing Came From (9mm VS .38 SPL Ballistic Test) - Gun Sam _Revolver Aficionado_

Youtube SCREWS Count Dankula, Bearing & TheQuartering Then Laughs In Our Face! - The Quartering

Windows 11 Recall Creeps Me Out - Clownfish TV

Federalist CEO Says GOP Should Make List Of Democrats To ARREST When Trump Wins - Timcast IRL

Baghdad Bus: The Crazy 1930s Off-Road Desert Buses with a Kitchen & Beds -Calum

Edward Snowden Was Right! Google & The CIA Are Watching You Do This! - Russell Brand

Houthis Claim Strike on American Aircraft Carrier - Ward Carroll

DO THIS NOW...When FEMA Knocks on Your Door! - Motherland

The Longest Naval Shot Ever Recorded - Dark Seas

Glock 46: A Revolutionary Design Change - Forgotten Weapons

Will the MINI JEEP make it to area 51? Ep1: The build and start - c90adventures

Introducing TO-24 Priming Compound! - Times Gone Tech

TRUMP GUILTY: Democrats Just Made The Worst Mistake In Generations... Remember That “Sleeping Giant” - Langley Outdoors Academy

A Tale of Two Sterlings: Mk.4 (open bolt) vs Mk.6 (closed bolt), First Impressions - Bloke on the Range

Masse Questions ATF Director on Requesting FFLs to Notify the ATF on Cash Sales -

Rep. Thomas Masse (R-KY) confronted Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Director Steve Dettelbach over the government agency asking federal firearms licensees (FFL) in border states to report cash transactions.

“Are you aware that it’s illegal for you to create a registry of gun owners in the United States,” Rep Masse asked Dettelbach.

Rep. Masse was referencing an interview that Mr. Dettelbach did with CBS’s “60 Minutes.” It was the same interview where the ATF’s firearms “expert” could not disassemble or assemble a Glock pistol. In the interview, Dettelbach pointed out that someone could buy a Barrett .50 cal in cash. He said that FFLs should report cash purchases to the ATF. Many in the gun community took issue with this statement because it is not illegal to buy firearms with cash, and in many cases, gun owners prefer to use cash, especially since programs such as “Operation Choke Point” exist.

Operation Choke Point was an operation launched by the government to crack down on banks that dealt with the firearms industry by classifying such businesses as “high risk.” The firearms industry concluded that the government was using its power to infringe on the rights of Americans because the rate of fraud in the firearms world is lower than the national average. The chances of someone committing fraud after handing over legal documentation and going through a background check are low.

Click the link to read the whole article:  Masse Questions ATF Director 

High Court Hammers Down Unanimously for NRA in First Amendment Battle -

 In a unanimous opinion, the United States Supreme Court has sided with the National Rifle Association in a First Amendment case which even brought the American Civil Liberties Union to the gun rights organization’s defense, reviving NRA’s lawsuit against a former New York State official for alleged free speech violations.

The case is against Maria Vullo, former New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) chief. As reported by The Hill, she began investigating the NRA in 2017” which “led her to encourage insurers and banks she regulated to sever ties with the gun rights group after the Parkland, Fla., school shooting” at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in February 2018. Seventeen students and adults were killed in that incident, which led to a national student gun control movement—quickly commandeered by the gun prohibition lobby—and catapulted then high-school student David Hogg to national prominence.

Click the link to read the whole article:  High Court Hammers for First Amendment

Woke Marxism Rejects Prosperity - New Discourses

The Plane That Accidentally Flew Into Space - Dark Skies

Caught On Tape! Brave Dad DESTROYS Planet Fitness For Not Protecting His Daughter! - The Quartering

Guess who this is?! - Liberal Hivemind

Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Weirdest Dictatorship on Earth: Turkmenistan - History of Everything Podcast

This Manga Was Made To Solve A Murder - sydsnap

Good Shoot? SOCOM Col Smokes Chechen Illegal For Taking Pics Of Daughter -

Who shot JR U-Wing? - Sacred Cow Shipyards

The Guitar Moments that Changed EVERYTHING - samuraiguitarist

Elon Musk DECLARES WAR On Biden, Holds Meetings To TURN Elites AGAINST Biden, FOR TRUMP 2024 - Timcast

Polenar's WWSD "Commando" rifle | Gun Roast - Forgotten Weapons

Roller Delayed Guns Better or Worse? Feat: AK4D, HK93, MP5 vs SCAR, URGI, AR9 [Range Talk] - 9-Hole Reviews

VAB T20/13: France’s Old Gun Trucks Still Fighting - Battle Order

The UK's Contaminated Blood Scandal: When the Government Infected Thousands with HIV - Into the Shadows

Leftists Threaten CIVIL WAR, If Trump Is Elected, Vow To HUNT MAGA Down, UNHINGED Posts On Reddit - Timcast

She just played the clip lol - Liberal Hivemind

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

We Fired US Weapons of World War Two - History Hit

Learn Four Emergency Poncho Shelters in 10 Minutes or Less - Corporals Corner

Even CNN is laughing!! lol it's over - Liberal Hivemind

Judge Just RIGGED Trial Against Trump, Tells Jurors NO NEED TO BE UNANIMOUS, Democrat CORRUPTION - Timcast

Democrats BAN Protesting The DNC - Actual Justice Warrior

The suppressed L96A1 with firearms expert Jonathan Ferguson - Royal Armouries

Using Phones Without SIM cards? Check out the Privacy Benefits - Rob Braxman Tech

Trump Jury Get VEILED THREATS As Deliberations Begin, Secret Service PREAPARING JAIL, Biden In PANIC - Timcast

Battle of the Bullets: 308 vs .30-06 which round is truly best? - PewView

Zeroing an IR Laser with Trash - InRangeTV

Sten MkII: Just When You Thought It Couldn't Get Simpler - Forgotten Weapons

Brandon Herrera Lost To Establishment... But Do You Realize What Just Happened Last Night..? - Langley Outdoors Academy

5 Naval Engineering Failures - Sink, Swim or Explode - Drachinifel

Bubblegum Crisis: A Series Retrospective - Cultured Crusader

Sci-Fi's Forgotten Masterpiece - IFELSE

Everyone Knows That - Tales From the Internet - Whang!

Resin Manufacturers have been LYING to you - Once in a Six Side

Secret Lists, Disarmament & Military-Age Illegal Aliens, What Could Go Wrong? -

 “The List”

Violent insurgencies worldwide have always carefully collected names and addresses of the “counter-revolutionaries.”

These names include the military (particularly the Spc Op Community), media, police, political officials and their families, and “reactionaries,” who have a history of boldly speaking out against Communism, socialism, and religious feudalism.

“The List” is carefully maintained, edited by the day, and is never cast away.

In the City of Hue, Vietnam, during the 1968 Tet Offensive, Viet Cong and NVA forces briefly took over the city.

During their short occupation (four weeks), Communists (consulting their “List”) promptly went to specific addresses, broke into the homes of people on “The List,” and then systematically murdered them and their entire families.

There were a few brief “show trials,” but most residents of “The List” were hunted down and murdered the instant they were discovered.

Some were abducted and subsequently murdered, but most were murdered on the spot via gunfire, being burned alive, being buried alive, or being clubbed to death. Many were sexually battered and otherwise cruelly tortured prior to being murdered.

Numbers thus massacred will never be known, but surely include many thousands, including a good number of children and infants.

Of course, Hue massacre victims were unarmed, via government edict!

The 7 Oct 2023 Hamas attack/massacre in Israel was more sudden and not as specific, but the results and methods were eerily similar.

Once more, unarmed victims make massacres easy. World history, going back thousands of years, is replete with examples.

It makes one wonder if we should ever trust politicians, who themselves remain heavily protected by armed bodyguards, but who, in the same breath, self-righteously decree that we “ordinary” citizens are too stupid to own guns!

Click the link to read the whole article: Secret Lists, Disarmament & Military-Age Illegal Aliens

Over 5 HOURS of 2Chan Internet Mysteries and Urban Legends - Sakura Stardust

Budget SPR Optic Stack - Hop

Random dude gets Dobert Deniro FUMING lol - Liberal Hivemind

Subcompacts - 9mm+P VS .40 S&W - Speer Gold Dot - Ballistic Test - Gun Sam _Revolver Aficionado_

25 Crazy Facts About Conspiracy Theories - List 25

Host Goes Silent When CDC Director Admits This Huge Vaccine Issue - Russell Brand

LUNATIC Live Streams Grocery Store Shooting: What would you do? - Pat RMG

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Exposing How Academia Became Filled with Cowards | Gad Saad - The Rubin Report

Social Credit Scores Are HERE, America Is Falling Victim To Maoism - Tim Pool

The look on CNN's face right now lol - Liberal Hivemind

The KAC SR-25 That Does it All? - Administrative Results

7 Years For Accidentally Shooting Thief - Liberty Doll

US Special Forces Deployed to China's Doorstep - The Infographics Show

He Doubled Down ON LIVE TV... & CNN Admits That We ARE Going To Take Our Gun Rights Back... - Langley Outdoors Academy

Black Community SLAMS Democrats For “Replacing Them” With Illegal Immigrants In SHOCKING Protests - Timcast IRL

ATF Questioned Over Deadly Raid & New Rule - Gun Owners of America

The Soldier So Ruthless the US Was Afraid to Reward - Dark Docs

SCOTUS "Assault Weapons" Ban Conference Results Are In - Copper Jacket TV

Can Haiti's U.N Security Mission Destroy their Gangs? - Task & Purpose

Instant Felony Here! - Tom Grieve

Police Start MANHUNT For Pride Flag Vandalism, Dude Did DONUTS On Streets Mural, Faces FELONY Charge - Timcast

Trump Says We Are Being INVADED, Says Local Police Will Conduct Mass Deportations - Timcast IRL

Lynx Brutality 2024 Overview w/ Jari of Varusteleka - Forgotten Weapons

"Drug Flower Snitching" - China's Scary New Crackdown is Tearing Families Apart - laowhy86

Your Sights Are Not Straight - The VSO Gun Channel

Police Coerce Man to Confess to a Crime That Never Happened - Steve Lehto

TRUMP WON Libertarian Convention, LEFTIST Wins Nomination Sparking MASS EXODUS To TRUMP & GOP 2024 - Timcast

I Was Victimized! What Can We Learn From It?! - Gun & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News

So Now We Know Why TOWNS are FLOODING! - Buddy Brown

History Primer 196: Spencer 1886 Shotgun Documentary | C&Rsenal

California Dreamin’: Minimum Wage Hikes Lead to Fewer Jobs and Higher Prices - John Stossel

Why Revy works as a “Girlboss”, whereas Others Fail - Zartigana

This is how it ends - Liberal Hivemind

Spotify Exposed | Lawsuit Over Your "Stolen" Royalties - Top Music Attorney

Monday, May 27, 2024

ATF Warrant Released! How to Stay off the ATF Radar and Brian Malinowski Breakdown - Armed Attorneys

Is ATF forcing police to turn their bodycams off during deadly raids? - Legally Armed America

The STG-44: The Original Assault Rifle - Brandon Herrera

Band-Maid / alone - The MIDI Sequence - Dean F

Gun Controller Claim: "If He Had 5 Guns Instead Of 11, He Wouldn't Have Shot Anyone"... - Langley Outdoors Academy

Communists MANIPULATE Young People & USE THEM To Do Their Bidding - Tim Pool

Tilting, taking turns, and winning free games: the many tricks inside old pinball machines - Technology Connections

What Do You Notice About The Trump-Biden Debate Restrictions? Now It Makes Sense - Russell Brand

'PLAY THE VIDEO' ATF Chief Left SPEECHLESS After Jim Jordan REVEALED Disgusting 'Home Raid' Video... - Master Samet

NPR CEO Katherine Maher WOKE DEI Leadership Revealed: Robby Soave - The Hill

Arsenal Strike One: Russian Police Pistol Comes to the West - Forgotten Weapons

The VTRUX is a Disappointing Electric Truck from Ten Years Ago - Aging Wheels

Bot Farms Are MANIPULATING Social Media To Promote The Establishment LIES - Timcast IRL

The Stunning Aircraft That Forgot It Was Invisible - Dark Skies

Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Germans Got Pissed And Made An Insanely Accurate Sniper Rifle - Garand Thumb

Dark Cargo: 5 Most Mysterious Container Ships - Dark5

Why Daniel Defense May Be In Trouble - James Reeves

Professor Explains Why Blacks In Power “Don’t Empower Each Other” - LFR Jojo

47% Of Americans Think Civil War Is Coming, Gen Z Thinks Society Is COLLAPSING - Timcast IRL

BREAKING: Media silent about mass stabbing by gender confused man - Legally Armed America

What to Keep in a 3 Day Emergency Pack (Both Versions) - Paul Harrell

Rep. Hunt RUTHLESSLY DESTROYS The Left's Plan For Gun Control... This Was Almost PERFECT... - Langley Outdoors Academy

AVIATION ODDITIES | FULL DOCUMENTARY | Aircraft Innovation And Research Pioneers - DroneScapes

Holy MOLY!! No one expected him to actually say this lol - Liberal Hivemind

The High-Stakes Bomber Only the Bravest Pilots Dare to Fly - Only Planes

Replacing Ships Biscuits - Townsends

The Real Reason Behind The M16 Controversy & Failures - Hegshot87

Solo Overnight Finding an Abandoned Watch Tower in the Woods - Corporals Corner

New Reproduction Colt 4x AR-15 Scope by Brownells - Forgotten Weapons

Blackwater: Portrait of an American PMC - Warographics

The Modern Minute Man - Operator Inquiries

Black man changes his mind after being shown the truth about Trump voters!!

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Inside Mexico's Billion Dollar Drug Empire | Meet The Drug Lords: Inside The Real Narcos | 1/3 | DC - Documentary Central

The American Navy In Vietnam | An Original Restored And Upscaped Documentary - DroneScapes

MSNBC was NOT READY for this woman!! - Liberal Hivemind

Lawsuit Exposes Disturbing Facts About California CCW's - Copper Jacket TV

Satellite Reveals a Giant Dark Pyramid in the Strangest Place - Dark Footage

The MK III Snider and The Ballard Rifle: The Battle of Eccles Hill -PART THREE- - britishmuzzleloaders

HVAC Contractors Practically Make Their Living On These - The DIY HVAC Guy

FN Auto 5: Anvil 0139 - C&Rsenal - Mark Novak

Hollywood claims First Amendment RIGHT to NOT HIRE white writers in FIRST major DEI LAWSUIT! - Adam Post

Feds Sue to Break Up Live Nation - Steve Lehto

Another Gun Owner in Foreign Prison Over Ammo - Liberty Doll

Testing the Gypsy Well Primitive Water Filter - Clay Hayes

She Hands the ATF Director His Lunch - The VSO Gun Channel

What Does Edward Snowden Recommend and Why? - Switched to Linux

Dead Eye Versus - Stage 5 - CQB Brutality 2024 - "River Rat" - InRangeTV

BUG Match Pickelhaube Edition: German 1883 Reichsrevolver - Forgotten Weapons

Citadel Boss Double Barrel Shotgun - I Love This Nickel-Plated Coach Gun - Shooting Review - mixup98

ATF Director Grilled About Malinowski Killing During Heated Congressional Hearing -

 ATF agents cut off the electricity to Bryan Malinowski’s Little Rock home before executing their search warrant on March 19. None of the agents wore body cameras, and they covered Malinowski’s doorbell camera with tape to hide their actions. Fifty-seven seconds after kicking down the front door, Malinowski was fatally shot in the head. His wife, Maer Malinowski, was pulled out of her home wearing only bedclothes and forced into the back of a squad car, where she was held against her will for four hours in 34-degree weather despite her frequent pleas to check on her dying husband.

“If that isn’t weaponization of government, I don’t know what is,” Congressman Jim Jordan, R-OH, said Thursday morning during a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee, which he chairs.

The hearing, which was held in the Rayburn House Office Building and was called “Oversight of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives,” lasted more than three hours. ATF Director Steven Dettelbach was the only witness.

Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee tried to force Dettelbach to answer questions about Malinowski’s killing.  However, as expected, he declined to answer and tap-danced around the members’ questions, citing the ongoing criminal investigation by Arkansas officials as an excuse. Dettelbach was also questioned about ATF’s zero-tolerance policy for gun dealers, which has led to a dramatic increase in revocations of Federal Firearm Licenses (FFL). Other lawmakers asked the ATF director about his agency’s confusing new rule, which requires anyone who sells firearms “predominantly to earn a profit” to obtain an FFL.

Click the link to read the whole article:  ATF Director Grilled About Malinowski KillingATF Director Grilled About Malinowski Killing 

Mexican Govt Hack Proves Anti-Gun Lawsuit is Bull - Liberty Doll

The Allied Ship That Gathered All Its Firepower for One Epic Shot - Dark Seas

Man Sentenced to 2-Years of Jail for 'Elaborate' Voter Fraud Scheme - Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

The Deadliest Weapons of The First World War... - WarofTheWorld

Kill Patton! German Operation to Assassinate the Famous General - Mark Felton Productions

This went freaking HARD!!! - Liberal Hivemind

Woke Girlboss Cracker Barrel Restaurant CEO TANKS Entire Company In 1 Phone Call! A Worse Bud Light - The Quartering

She nuked her own TikTok from existence on the app once she got called out - Better Bachelor

Friday, May 24, 2024

Oh BABY... This is CRAZY!!! - Liberal Hivemind

Budget Magnum Power! Fiocchi .357 Magnum VS .44 Magnum - Gun Sam _Revolver Aficionado_

Trump Vows To Start MASS DEPORTATIONS Of Criminals When Elected - Timcast IRL

Watch this before it gets removed, Henry didn't put that in I did. - There’s no easy way to tell you guys this - MxRPlays

As I put in the title, YouTube might delete the video, so watch before they do. I realize you may not be concerned and think "Why bother?" Trust me there IS a reason I ask you to watch it.

China's “Fishing Militia” is Worse Than You Think - Task & Purpose

BREAKING: This is how the ATF spied on the Arkansas man they deleted in their botched raid - Legally Armed America

EXPLOSIVE! Obama JUST Blindsided Biden! You'll NEVER Believe What He Did - Lisa Haven

Democrat INDICTED For Using AI To Create Fake Biden Phone Calls, Discouraging Residents From Voting - Timcast IRL

Blue DPM, Superglue and Hatred, Safe For YT Version: Chinesium AK setup for #LynxBrutality2024 - Bloke on the Range

Jim Jordan FILET'S Dettlebach: "What Are You Trying To Hide?"... & Steve Did NOT Have A Good Answer - Langley Outdoors Academy

Ukraine's Illegal Monster Tank - Dark Tech

Why Would You Destroy Classic WWII Pistols?!? -

Cosmic Gnome Banjo ~ Enchanting Spacefolk Campfire Jam - Space Banjo

Matilda I – The Little Tank That Did | Tank Chat #176 - The Tank Museum

CONFIRMED: A 3D Printer Puts You on a Watch List - The VSO Gun Channel

Rabbit Gaslit Me, So I Dug Deeper - Coffeezilla

Cartridge History: The .451 Detonics Magnum is a Supercharged .45 ACP - Forgotten Weapons

44 Mag vs 50 AE: Not Worth The Difference? - Banana Ballistics

She Jokes About Turning Her Son Gay But Cries About Gaming Being Unsafe - Ruined Leon

Media Matters COLLAPSES Massive Layoffs After Elon Musk Lawsuit & Federal Probe! The Left Copes - The Quartering

We're Releasing the Polygamy & Child Bride Map! - Profiling Evil

This 160-Year Old Battery Can Charge Your Phone! - How to Make Everything

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Radical Dem TURNS On ATF DIRECTOR Calling ATF RACIST In Congress Today… Somebody's In Trouble... - Langley Outdoors Academy

It's not money, power, muscles or looks, it's their students. Buy WHY?! - Better Bachelor

Oh!! She was LIVID after he asked this question!! - Liberal Hivemind

What Really Happened - Paul Joseph Watson

Band-Maid - You. ( Reaction / Review ) LIVE AT ZEPP YOKOHAMA 2024 - Local Band Smokeout

I personally feel the Ladies of Band-Maid are currently the BEST Touring LIVE band. Their concerts are fun, enjoyable and I wish they would last much longer. But they routinely put on a 2+ hour concert playing 18-24 songs and the also have good audience interaction, and they truly love their audience and they truly love performing. So for me, they are the best.

Media LIES To Protect FAILING Biden Economy, Claims ECONOMY IS GREAT Despite People Struggling - Timcast

Federal Judge Slams Qualified Immunity - Steve Lehto

I Bought Forbidden Items on the DARK WEB. The FBI is mad - TheTekkitRealm

Texas Voting Machines UNMASK Voters - Actual Justice Warrior

Troubling details emerge in ATF's killing of man allegedly "engaged in the business" of selling guns - Legally Armed America

China Has SURROUNDED Taiwan, Russia Runs NUCLEAR DRILLS, Media Says WW3 IS NOW And Biden IS LOSING - Timcast

CONFIRMED: Hunter Biden EXPOSED as a CIA Asset!? Insane New Documents PROVE It, John Kerry Treason🚨 - Benny Johnson

SIG Spear LT (Gen 3 MCX) to 500yds: Practical Accuracy - 9-Hole Reviews

California Authorizes 40 Day Waiting Period - Copper Jacket TV

The Groundhogs - Blues Obituary 1969 Full Album Vinyl - luis german lombo

DESPERATE damage control! Law professor DEMANDS all COLLEGES CANCEL ‘Diversity Statements’! - Adam Post

California Dems Cut Mic of Republican Lawmaker (Way Worse) - TacticalTurtleneck

Nancy Pelosi Gets Tricked into Humiliating Herself - The Rubin Report

CIA BUSTED! Sought Total Control Of Youtube, Paypal, Godaddy, Amazon, Twitter & More For Biden! - The Quartering

Top Fauci Aide David Morens Caught DELETING Emails, Accused Of LYING To Congress - The Hill

ATF Director Called Before Congress To Explain ATF Abuses Of Power & Overreach... LIVE!!! - Langley Outdoors Academy

BREAKING NEWS: Louisville Authorities Say Arrest Of Scottie Scheffler Was 'Policy Violation' - Forbes Breaking News

Communists Are Good at Conquest - New Discourses


The Rise Of Feminism Is The Fault Of WOMEN, Not Men - Tim Pool

U.S. Air Force analyst confirms no data exists to support DEI policies and say they cheat the system - O'Keefe Media Group

CanaDart - Flechette Sabot Round - Tested! - Taofledermaus

Indian Navy's Plan to Deter China - Task & Purpose

Oregon Counties VOTE TO SECEDE From Woke State, 47% Of Americans Say Civil War is COMING - Timcast

Jon Stewart just RUINED his reputation with this one lol - Liberal Hivemind

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Body armor ban introduced to make you safer - Legally Armed America

Court Says Police Need Warrants for Some License Plate Reader Data - Steve Lehto

New Gun Control Signed And I Missed It - Copper Jacket TV

Liar Bill Maher gets a REALITY CHECK from Megyn Kelly lol - Liberal Hivemind

Biden NOT ON OHIO BALLOT, Democrats FAILED Sparking CONFUSION & Outrage, Trump WILL WIN - Timcast

The PPSh-41: The Mass-Produced Soviet Submachine Gun of WWII... - WarsOfTheWorld

Support Of Hamas & Antifa Is DESTROYING Democrats, Americans Are REJECTING Extremism - Timcast IRL

Webley Mk IV Revolver from Titanic's White Star Line, with firearms expert Jonathan Ferguson - Royal Armouries

Are we ready to Live in a SILO? - DamiLee

Arkansas Town Bans Gun Shops - Liberty Doll