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Saturday, January 16, 2016

White Male Guilt

I missed this the other day on Day by Day.

Link to this strip:  Sharks with frikkin lasers

Link to article referenced in strip: Famous cricketer fined $10K after asking reporter out on a date during live interview

Ladies, you have to ask yourself this.  What is in it for White Males anymore?

You want us to protect you, and yet when we hold or open the door we get yelled at for "Demeaning" you.

We get accused of rape for simply LOOKING at you.

We get threatened and accused of things and no matter what the truth is WE go to jail.

Why should we even bother?

I heard a woman complaining because her Ex was marrying a woman from the Philippines.  After hearing her complaining and how her friend did nothing but support her I wonder why they both think it's wrong.  All the woman did was complain, "He worked all the time", "He didn't take me out to bars like I wanted", "He didn't get me the car I wanted", "I wanted the new I-Phone and he got me a Galaxy instead".  While I was standing there in line at the store these two woman were trying to figure out a way to screw up the wedding and possibly make her Ex and his new fiance to break up.

And many of these women wonder why they are having a problem finding a "Decent Guy".

It sounded to me like he worked his butt off so he couldn't take her out.  Because he was working his butt off he COULD buy her a car and a new phone.  They might not have been the ones she wanted but he tried and got what he could afford.

I wish I could find her Ex, so I could warn him that his happiness is in jeopardy by that woman.

I'm glad my ex isn't a total crazy.  Granted we did get divorced because of her medical issues, but she isn't bat shite crazy and we are still friends.

However, I have two friends that the same doesn't hold true for.

My friend Larry, his ex has tried to turn their kids against him, she has had his wages garnished for child support he supposedly "Didn't" pay when he did, accused him of molesting and abusing their kids, when it turned out it was her current boyfriend who actually was molesting and abusing them.  It took the social worker actually CATCHING the boyfriend in the act and a good lawyer to keep my friend Larry from going to jail.  Larry finally did get full custody of his kids, but he was of 90 thousand in debt and his kids are all in therapy now.

Hal doesn't have kids with his ex, but he did lose his grandparents house, his fathers gun collection, his job, has a Domestic Violence conviction, couldn't find a job in his field, no one wants to hire a convicted abuser in engineering.  And his ex has gone out of her way to hound him 15 years since their divorce.  Hal finally said the hell with it and moved to India.  His mom and step dad have actually had to file for a restraining order against his ex. All this after Hal caught HER cheating on him and filed for divorce.

My friend Dan however he deserves what he has gotten from his ex.  When all of your friends support your so called "Crazy Ex" against you, you know that she isn't the problem.

So it's not all on women.  Yes there are some really vindictive women out there, just like there are some real S.O.B. males.

But the deck is stacked against men in today's society.  And the militant/radical feminists want to stack the deck even further.

And if you are a white male?  Oh you're guilty just for existing.

1 comment:

skybill said...

Hi Mark,
A Big "10-4" to you for this article...and thx for the "Day to day!!" It still boils down to ................your last sentence....says it all!!!!

Got Gunz....OUTLAW!!!!,
A "WHITE" Male , Protestant, Gun-Owner, Republican, Conservative.....did I say "WHITE??" I want to make sure I get that Across!!, and I am a member of the "NAACP!!!!!!",,,,that the "NATIONAL ASSOCIATION for the AWAKENING of CONFEDERATE PATRIOTS!!!!!!!"