Thursday, October 31, 2024
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
ProPublica’s Falsehoods Exposed: How Anti-Gun Bias Distorts the Truth About Lawful Gun Owner Data -
In an article titled “Without Knowledge or Consent,” Corey G. Johnson at ProPublica claims to expose a “secret” effort by the gun industry to create a vast, clandestine database of gun owners. But the reality is far less sensational—and far more ethical—than what ProPublica wants you to believe.
In a statement released to AmmoLand News by the Managing Director for Public Affairs of the NSSF, Mark Oliva, he responded:
“NSSF does not maintain a database of gun owners. This was specifically told to ProPublica [directly to Corey G. Johnson] on several occasions.”
Despite this, the reporter chose to accept misrepresentations of the truth as fact. NSSF used information to reach gun owners for the #GUNVOTE voter education program that was supplied by a very limited number of firearm manufacturers. That information was purged after those elections were complete. NSSF uses commercially-available data to reach voters for #GUNVOTE program to educate voters on how to vote, where to register, and where to vote on Election Day.”
ProPublica’s report was based on decades-old information to arrive at a pre-ordained narrative just days before the election. These allegations were previously raised by U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) in an attempt to discredit The Firearm Industry Trade Association. The allegations were not true then and are not true today.
“NSSF maintains that gun owner privacy is paramount to ensuring the free exercise of Second Amendment rights. That is why NSSF has been the leading voice to pass laws Second Amendment Privacy Acts in 17 states to bar financial institutions from collecting data related to firearm and ammunition purchases that would create a back-door gun registry. NSSF also supports the Protecting Privacy in Purchases Act introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) and companion legislation by U.S. Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-Tennessee) in the U.S. Senate that would make this a federal law.
No American should be ever placed on a government watchlist for exercising their Constitutionally-protected rights.”
Click the link to read the whole article: ProPublica’s Falsehoods Exposed
“Extra-Large” Capacity Magazine Ban Upheld by DC Appeals Court -
The United States Court of Appeals for The District of Columbia Circuit disregarded the text, history, and tradition of the Second Amendment and ruled that DC’s magazine ban is Constitutional.
The case, Hanson v. District of Columbia, challenged the city’s ban on magazines holding more than ten rounds. The plaintiffs wanted to own 17-round magazines, the standard size for Glock 17s and other full-size handguns. The Circuit Court referred to these magazines as extra-large capacity magazines (ELCM).
A District Court upheld the law earlier, leading the plaintiffs to appeal to a three-judge panel at the DC Circuit Court. They argued that the District Court got it wrong because the law was unconstitutional under the Bruen and Heller standards. DC claimed that the law was within the scope of the Second Amendment and consistent with both these cases.
The Supreme Court’s Heller opinion said that a bearable arm in common use for lawful purposes cannot be banned. DC argued that magazines holding more than ten rounds are rarely used in self-defense and, therefore, are not commonly used for self-defense. The plaintiffs countered that just because most self-defense situations require less than ten shots doesn’t mean those guns were not equipped with magazines holding more than ten rounds. The judges agreed with the plaintiffs.
Click the link to read the whole article: Magazine Ban Upheld by DC Appeals Court