The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Some of what I've been doing.....

I have been working on a little project. I want to build a cabin for me and my kids on some family property the family owns up by San Antonio Texas. Well for years I've dragging around a set of Starplate Connectors. Now I get a chance to actually use them to build a cabin for me and my kids.

To start off, I made a basic frame to show how the building would look like if built the way it was intended to be built.

This is the standard frame. It is Pentagonal shaped, the actual name escapes me at the moment, but it looks pretty cool to me.

One of the option is to make a squared front for adding things like ohhh, I don't know Doors. :)

This shows the fram with one connector removed to allow for the installation of a door. However this option also removes some of the square footage from the building, and lessens the structural integrity a bit. Sooo I have the final version which uses larger struts, and incorporates a loft for the kids to sleep, and a center pole to help support the roof.

You can't see it real well but the center pole also hels support the loft, and there will be a large wall as well to help support it as well. rather than lose the square footage inside, a joist will be run out and an entry will be added for the doorway. This will also allow more room for storage.

this is part of what I've been doing the last few weeks, plus since the weather is nice, I've been getting bunch of outside stuf done.

Hopefully I'll be back to my normal posting schedule as soon as I get some other things taken care of.



Sabra said...

Looks a lot like a geodesic dome (can't exactly tell from the pix), which are quite popular hereabouts.

jc said...

is that using the starplate connectors? I am working on plans to build a compound using starplates. Would like to see more on your plan, what size studs are you going to use?

Mark said...

Yes I'm using 12 foot struts with the starplate kit. I have more pics of the bottom portion of the frame in a newer post.

jc said...

Any progress on the Starplate?