The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The mainstream media is starting to get it.

On the show I read the linked below article about how food costs are going up and it would be in your best interest to stock up your pantry. How many people will actually do it, I don't know. Many people might feel that by stocking up they might exacerbate the problem increasing demand. I know what I intend to do. I intend to fill my larder with as much as I can physically fit in it. I have 7 children i am responsible for full time and up to 5 more part time. No the extra 5 aren't mine biologically, but I consider them to be my kids and part of my family. And I will do everything in my power to ensure my kids don't go without.

Here is the article for your perusal: Load up the pantry

I'm not trying to be an alarmist, but if you are knowledgable of history, you might make the same conclusions I am.

God Bless


Edited to add folowing links:

Costco: One bag of rice per customer

Life After Hurricane Katrina: Listening to Katrina Also added to the special Links Sections

1 comment:

Sabra said...

I learned the hard way after Hurricane Isabelle (a cat. 5 storm which came ashore just south of us in Norfolk back in I think '03) that an emergency food supply--even only for a short time, like a week--is a must. Like a fool, I didn't get anything ahead of time, and going out foraging along with everyone else after the fact wasn't pretty.

To hell with exacerbating the food shortage by stocking up now--it's the waiting around that will cause the problems.

I think also a smallish stash of emergency money might be a good idea too. I recall quite well the lines at the pumps both after Isabelle & on Sept. 11. Of course, a terrorist attack you can't really plan for, but a natural disaster you can.

And thanks for reminding me that I need to up my stores.