The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
Very cool site I am also a member of

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Call for help for MBV and family

I don't post much about the Three Percent Society, III or other things like that.  I let others who are more familiar with that do so.

However I belong to a forum that MBV used to belong to and he and I messaged to one another before on the discussion boards.  I had always found him, polite, knowledgeable, and forthright.

His and David Codrea's work on exposing the DOJ and ATF's Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal was the only thing that brought the Obama Administration Illegal actions to the light of day.

Mike has terminal cancer, and unfortunately, not that much longer left on this plane of existence.  However the worries about his family, and how they are going to get by with him gone, is a crushing weight on an already heavy plate.

Kenny has a post up about how you can chip in a bit to help out in this situation.  Please click the link and read what Kenny has to say.  And maybe check the hidden stash for a few bucks.

III to III for Mike Vanderboegh

Please click on the link to help give Dutchman some peace of mind.

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