The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Saturday, June 11, 2016

Well that got me thinking

In the previous post SciShow talked about Jacques-Yves Cousteau. I remember watching his shows as a kid. I was born when the shows first started and I was sad for them to not be broadcast anymore when I was a kid in elementary school. I remember myself and a few other kids in school, the day after the show, we would talk about the nothing but the show. It got to the point that our teacher had to rearrange the seating chart in class so we couldn't sit next to each other and gab away. It was only on the day after the show, and if I am remembering correctly, the show ran on Sunday night so most of Monday, all we could do was talk about it.

Well that was the days before VCR's, or DVR's or anything like that so we had no way of recording it for later watching. You had to hope that the TV Stations would rerun it if you wanted to watch it again or had missed it.

Now however, we have YouTube.

So I present to you some of episodes of The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau - Narrated by Rod Serling

I probably will post a few more episodes this evening.

1 comment:

Dick said...

His birthday was yesterday, June 11, 1910. He died June 25, 1997. Hard to believe he has been gone nearly 20 years. Thanks for the reminder of this great explorer.