The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
Very cool site I am also a member of

Monday, June 13, 2016

What's on my Kindle

and actually Free at this time.

Michael Z. (Mad Mike) Williamson's Freehold

.David Drake's Redliners

David Drake's The Tank Lords

David Weber's On Basilisk Station - (Honor Harrington Book One)

David Weber's The Honor of the Queen - (Honor Harrington Book Two)

John Ringo's A Hymn Before Battle - Legacy of the Aldenata Book One

David Drake's Seas of Venus

John Ringo's Gust Front - Legacy of the Aldenata Book Two

Tom Kratman's Caliphate

There are a bunch of others.  However they are a bunch of Message Fiction and not "Science" Fiction.  The SciFi elements are just barely enough that they MIGHT be considered SciFi.  But in reality they are Message Fiction with delusions towards SciFi.  I keep removing all the Dreck from my kindle but Amazon keeps downloading it again.  I really need to take the time to remove them from my Amazon account entirely.

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