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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Missouri Legislature Overides Governor Nixon's Veto of Constitutional Carry


"NRA Applauds Veto Override of Senate Bill 656 in Missouri

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Fairfax, Va. - The National Rifle Association today applauded the Missouri Legislature's veto override of Senate Bill 656, common sense self-defense legislation that was vetoed by Governor Nixon in June. This bill will improve the ability of law-abiding gun owners to exercise their Second Amendment rights.

"This is a great day for freedom in Missouri. The legislature stood strong for the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens by overriding Gov. Nixon's misguided veto," said Chris W. Cox, Executive Director of NRA's Institute for Legislative Action. "Despite the best efforts of Michael Bloomberg and out-of-state gun control groups to defeat the override vote, their agenda was rejected."

Senate Bill 656 will allow anyone legally allowed to possess a firearm to carry that firearm, while also maintaining the current permit system. In addition, the bill:

    Expands Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground protections

    Adds additional permit options to include extended and lifetime permits

    Specifies that with the exception of credit card fees, no additional fee beyond $100 may be charged to       process concealed carry permits

    Allows members of the military extra time to renew their permits"

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