The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
Very cool site I am also a member of

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Road to Damascus e-book

Which I talked about on the show earlier this month is available free to read or download at the link below. I highly suggest that you do download it read it and pass it to your friends even your enemies. This novel outlines where I think our current political and educational system is heading. And no I'm not being an alarmist. Read it yourself make your own determination, don't take my word for it.

That is one of the main differences between me and others like me and certain ideologues in this country. I want you to make a FULLY INFORMED decision based on facts, not emotion.

Here is the Link: The Road To Damascus, by: John Ringo and Linda Evans. Based upon characters created by Kieth Laumer


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