The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Monday, July 30, 2012

Mayor Bloomberg you're a feminine hygiene product

Since when does being the Mayor of any city give said individual the authority to dictate how a woman is to feed her child?

"The nanny state is going after moms.

Mayor Bloomberg is pushing hospitals to hide their baby formula behind locked doors so more new mothers will breast-feed.

Starting Sept. 3, the city will keep tabs on the number of bottles that participating hospitals stock and use — the most restrictive pro-breast-milk program in the nation."

How much ego must this man have to think he can just dictate things like that? Oh, I forgot. This is the anti-gun, anti-soda, anti-salt anti-you name it mayor of New York, who changed the laws of the city of New YOrk (yes the big O is intentional) so he could run for a third term. I guess things like the Law and The Constitution don't mean much to him. If he doesn't like a law he'll just spend his $$ and get it changed. What a hypocrite....

1 comment:

John A said...

He, and his health department head, are prone to this sort of thing.

They also started a program about diabetic medicine: basically, doctors ewre to be fined if they wrote a prescription for, say, insulin that no drugstore reported filling. Not the patient, mind you - the doctor.