The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Saturday, July 6, 2013

A Ode to my percolator

I'm divorced and disabled with kids.  Kids who are growing up, and bounce between my house and their mother's who lives about 150 feet away.  As such there are many days I simply don't eat.  Either because of pain from my back surgery or lassitude since the kids are at their mother's house.  So I've found myself eating college rations more often than I really should.  Hence this little Ode to my $2.00 thrift store Coffee Percolator.

First my College Rations:

.79 cents each.  Eat two of these a day

Yes that's right $2.00

See it can makes coffee too

Even though I use it mostly for making hot water.

Sadly this might be going with #2 Sprog on her way to college this fall show she can use it in her dorm room.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

IF it works, there is NOTHING wrong with it... :-)