The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Could this become our flying cars?

or maybe flying motorcycles.

To read more go to EHANG's webpage


Personally I think if they used ducted rotors and raise them above the passenger cabin and possibly convert from pure electric to hybrid electric, use an Airplane APU, that is modified to increase both thrust and power output.  My Google-Fu is failing me, but there is/was a gentleman who converted a 23 lbs APU turbine to power his Micro Jet, but I found something else which is interesting.  Jetbeetle their H250C 50 lbs jet turbine with a 1000 Watt Generator Shaft Mounted directly to it, possibly could be used to power those rotors or ducted fans.

All the possibilities can be pursued. 

So maybe in my lifetime, we will have our Flying Car/Motorcycle.

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