The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Saturday, February 13, 2016

Deadpool mini-review

I went to see Deadpool yesterday at the early matinee.

I won't give away plot points or give you any spoilers, however I will say that as far as comic book movies not staying true and close to the source material, Deadpool actually comes closest of ANY comic book movie I have EVER seen.  Even closer than Captain America: The First Avenger.

Honestly, Ryan Reynolds has FOUND his franchise.  They need to be releasing a new Deadpool Movie every 6 months, with Deadpool, just as profane, just as mouthy, just as mouthy as he is portrayed in this film.  I am going to actually buy the BluRay of this when it comes out, because that will be about the only way I can get to see all the behind the scenes, and out takes and bloopers.  AND I WANT TO SEE THEM ALL!!!!!!!

The only spoiler I will give you is this.  The Cab Driver is important.

That is all.

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