The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
Very cool site I am also a member of

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Free Thinking -/- Random Association

Too many people are too independent.  Being accountable for themselves and their families.

Government response= Label them as crazies, vilify them in the media and entertainment.

Too many people are preparing for unrest, natural disasters, job loss, economic downturn.

Government response= Make everything cost more, damage the economy, make it so employers can't make a profit.  Forcing them to downsize, people to turn to government for assistance (Food Stamps, Social Security)

Too many people are removing themselves from government influence.  Off of the grid living, growing their own food, bartering.

Government Response= Require people to hook into the Grid, require licesure or permitting to grow their own food, make cash transaction illegal.

Too many people are stockpiling fuel, ammunition, firearms, first aid supplies and medicine.

Government Response= Make fuel that doesn't store for long, force ammunition costs to go up either through purchasing it, increasing regulation of components, increased legislation, lawfare against suppliers, regulate maximum amounts of medication that can be dispensed, surveil purchasers of supplies or induce a false shortage.

Too many people are demanding accountability of government

Government Response= Obfuscate, Legislate, Vilify, Denigrate, Deny, Over Regulate, Selective Regulate, Lie, Tamper with Records, Destroy Records.

Too many people are demanding their Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights.

Government Response= ?

What are your thoughts?

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