The Replica Prop Forum

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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Biden’s ATF Nominee and Mass Surveillance, Erosion of Civil Liberties -

U.S.A. -( David Chipman, the Biden administration’s pick to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) is well known for his employment as a “senior policy advisor” with major gun control organizations, notably Everytown’s “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” and currently, Giffords.

Sandwiched between these two jobs, however, was a stint with ShotSpotter as its “Senior Vice President North American Sales,” from 2013 to 2016. ShotSpotter is a private company that markets audio recording and notification technology – hidden microphones that pinpoint loud noises and screen these for the sound of gunshots. This “precision policing platform” claims to give law enforcement agencies “access to timely and accurate intelligence” so they may “more rapidly and precisely deploy resources to respond to crime, as well as proactively prevent it.” The company maintains that the “platform is highly data-driven and includes community protections and engagement opportunities to help improve police-community relations.”

Announcing Chipman’s hiring in 2013, the President and CEO noted that “David brings his unique consultative perspective from the field to client-facing engagements. This is critical to our continued growth and our growing customer successes in addressing gun crime.”

Click the link to read the whole article:   Biden’s ATF Nominee and Mass Surveillance


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