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Wednesday, June 7, 2023

New York To Make It A Felony To Print Guns or Share Files -

 ALBANY, New York — New York is tackling the 3D-printed gun community by trying to ban the 3D printing of firearms and prevent the sharing of computer-aided design (CAD) files.

New York State Senator Brad Hoylman is sponsoring the bill. The Democrat says he wants to “attack the manufacture” of 3D Printed firearms. It would not only make it a felony to print guns but also ban the intentional sharing of files, raising First Amendment concerns. Writings like the Anarchist Cookbook and the guide to build a Luty machine gun have been determined to be protected speech. Many believe that these files are also protected speech.

The law was proposed only a few days before Ghost Gunner, a project of Defense Distributed, launched its zero percent pistol. The zero percent pistol code allows the end user to mill out a Glock-style pistol on the Ghost Gunner 3S. The new product should hit the market soon. Defense Distributed produced the first 3D printed gun called the “Liberator” after the guns the Allies dropped over occupied France during World War II. Cody Wilson, the founder of Defense Distributed, took issue with the new law and compared it to a similar law in New Jersey.

Click the link to read the whole article:  A Felony To Print Guns or Share Files

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