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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

4 Men NOT Guilty in Bogus Gun Charges Case in Gloucester County, VA -

 Gloucester County, VA – In a case that many believe should never have been prosecuted, a jury in Gloucester County found four men NOT GUILTY of carrying firearms on school property. This verdict highlights what some see as an unjust legal battle driven by political motivations and demonstrates how “the process is the punishment.”

The four men, Trevor Herrin, Derek Coblentz, Christopher Cordasco, and Antonio Hernandez, were charged after attending a school board meeting at the T.C. Walker Education Center on July 11, 2023. They carried concealed firearms into the meeting, which was held off school grounds as defined by Virginia law.

Despite this, they were prosecuted under the accusation of carrying guns onto school property.

Gloucester County Commonwealth’s Attorney John T. Dusewicz, a Republican, pushed forward with the charges, asserting the importance of keeping guns out of schools.

However, the jury saw it differently, taking just over an hour to acquit the men. The quick verdict underscored the weak basis of the prosecution’s case.

Trevor Herrin, who faced an additional misdemeanor charge for carrying a concealed weapon with an expired permit, was sentenced to 30 days in jail for that offense. His defense and that of his co-defendants rested on the fact that the meeting was not held during the operational hours of the Head Start program located in the building, which was closed for the summer.

Click the link to read the whole article:  4 Men NOT Guilty in Bogus Gun Charges

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