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Thursday, January 30, 2025

Michigan Passes Law to Mandate Destruction of Valuable Assets -

 On January 22, 2025, Democratic Governor Whitmer of Michigan signed HB No. 6145 into law as part of a package of bills. HB No. 6145 mandates the state destroy valuable assets as an ideological statement. The bill requires all parts of firearms that come into possession of the Michigan State Police to be destroyed instead of being sold and the money used for the public good. From enrolled House Bill No. 6145:

 Sec. 14. ( 1) Subject to sections 5g and 14a, all pistols, weapons, or devices carried or possessed contrary to this act are declared forfeited to this state, and must be turned over to the director of the department of state police or the director’s designated representative, for disposal under this section.

(2) The director of the department of state police shall dispose of firearms under this section by destroying them. The director shall ensure that all parts of a firearm disposed of under this section are destroyed.

Control of the House flipped from Democratic control to Republican control on November 5, 2024. On December 12, 2024, House Bill No. 6145 was introduced in the Michigan House of Representatives. The bill was passed with partisan votes in the lame-duck session in the House. The new office holders would not take office until January 1, 2025. The Senate passed the bill on December 20, 2024. Governor Whitmer signed HB No. 6145 into law on January 22, 2025. The law will go into effect on April 2, 2025.

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