The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Have you ever had a Pain Whiteout?

Where something hurt so bad your vision whited out?  My left shoulder just did that to me.

It's not a heart attack, so don't think I'm in danger for my life.  I think it's from my using a cane.

My right shoulder is separated and torn up and I'm in constant pain because of that, but my left shoulder normally doesn't bother me.  Except that I fell a few weeks back and hurt my hip.  So I've been putting more weight on my cane to keep the weight down on my left hip.  Hence my left shoulder started to bother me and my mid back on the left side.

A few minutes ago I shifted from lying on my side and checking the innertubes back to sitting upright like I do every 15 or 20 minutes to keep from being sore, and my left shoulder decided right then to tell me "NO!" in no uncertain terms.

I actually yelled, it hurt so bad, and one of the kids came running in to check on me.  My vision went really gray and it took about 5 ot 7 seconds to return to normal.  It wasn't like when I hurt my back which was having my vision go black for 30-40 seconds, but whitish gray.

I think it's time to see the Dr and possibly get an X-ay of my left shoulder.  I might be getting a bone spur from my cane use in there.  I really don't need to mess up this shoulder like the right one.

UGH!  And I just turned 46 last saturday.  Aren't we supposed to have a 50 year warranty?

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