The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
Very cool site I am also a member of

Monday, September 29, 2014

Congressional Black Caucus,

These are the same people who Rep. Allen West constantly had issues with.  You will notice there is currently NO Republican member of the caucus.  Listening to the speakers you can hear how they don't quite come out and say that they can't let the "Eeebil White Republicans" to impeach the "First Black President", and they are using scare tactics, "Your street won't get fixed", People will go hungry".

That is all they have.

Scare tactics.

They KNOW, that they have no redeeming policy that will actually help our economy and the black community.

All they want is POWER.  They don't care about anyone but themselves and the power and influence they can get.

So if you ARE a Black, or Hispanic, OR Asian, OR Jewish, OR White OR Red OR whatever!


Don't vote for someone because of their skin color or the letter after their name on the ballot.

Look at what policies the candidates is espousing and decide for yourself if you support those policies or not.

If you do, vote for him or her.  If you don't, vote for the other guy.

But please.

Register to vote, and come election time, GO VOTE!

And don't let voter fraud by either side steal an election.

If they can't win honestly, they have no right to be in office.