The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
Very cool site I am also a member of

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Kilted to Kick Cancer - Team Corpus Christi

Here is Ken of Team Corpus Christi doing it Grad Student Style.

Remember you can donate by clicking on Then click donating for a Team and choose Team Corpus Christi.  Let's kick Team Ambulance Driver's butt.

ALSO!!!!  If we can find a Proctologist who agrees, if we get $5,000.00 in donation Ken and I at least and maybe some of the other guys will get our Prostrate Exams and it will be filmed and uploaded to YouTube.  When we get $500.00 I will "Dunk my Junk and upload it.  When/if we get $1,000.00 Ken and I together will "Dunk Our Junk"

Come on, it's for a great cause.  The more you donate, the more we will do to keep those donations coming in.

Let's not let those Northerners claim they have the best communities for Charity Fundraising.

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