The Replica Prop Forum

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Friday, January 16, 2015

Russia's Neighbors are getting worried

"VILNIUS (Reuters) - Lithuania is publishing a manual to advise its citizens on how to survive a war on its soil as concerns grow that Russia's intervention in Ukraine heralds increased assertiveness in its tiny Baltic neighbors.

"Keep a sound mind, don't panic and don't lose clear thinking," the manual explains. "Gunshots just outside your window are not the end of the world."

The manual, which the Defence Ministry will send to libraries next week and also distribute at army events, says Lithuanians should resist foreign occupation with demonstrations and strikes, "or at least doing your job worse than usual".

And Lithuania isn't the only one.  I have a friend in Ukraine, and he tells me his business contacts in Moldava are extremely concerned are many are trying to get their families to the UK under the investment loophole.  My friend is trying to get papers for his wife so they can go back to his family's home in Ireland.  And there are rumors of young women being offered as "brides" to American males, with the condition that marriage must take place asap.

Me personally, I don't think Putin is too eager to pull the trigger right now.  With OPEC and the US oil cutting his profits, pretty soon he won't have enough cash to do anything other than try to shore up his position.

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