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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Media Narrative FAIL!!!

I haven't said much about the Mass Murder event in Orlando because it sickens me and we don't have all of the FACTS as of yet.

However, that doesn't stop the Lame Stream Media from pushing their INCORRECT Narrative and Agenda.

From Bob Owens at Bearing Arms:

"The anti-gun politimedia wasted no time at all demonizing the most common rifle in the United States as being the real villain of the Islamic terrorist attack on Pulse nightclub in Orlando.


Judd Legume of Think Progress squeaked, “The NRA’s Love Affair With The AR-15, Weapon Of Choice For Mass Murderers, In 22 Tweets.”

Always wrong Christopher Ingraham of the Washington Post whined, “The gun used in the Orlando shooting is becoming mass shooters’ weapon of choice.”

Here’s the thing.

The rifle used by the Islamist terrorist in Orlando was not an AR-15."

Click on the above link to RTWT.

Here is the thing though.  The media and the Anti-gunner DON'T CARE.

They don't care if what they saying is wrong.  They are going to keep screaming and yelling to drown out anyone who even TRIES to get the truth out there.

They will conveniently IGNORE the fact that the FBI screwed up.  they will IGNORE the fact that this murderer's own co workers reported him and were brushed off as being "Racist".  they don't CARE that he was evidently either a Gay or Bi-sexual Muslim.  It was the GUN and the NRA's fault, the FBI didn't do due diligence in their investigation.  It was the Gun and the NRA's fault this guy was able to pass a NICS check not once but TWICE.  It's the GUN and the NRA's fault, that this murderer had a clearance obtained through a background check performed by the FBI.  It is the GUN and the NRA's fault that the murderer had over 30 MINUTES to kill people before the police even responded

You see the TRUTH is the first victim.

H/t Kenny aka Wirecutter

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