The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Bigot walk into a store

And starts to harass a Muslim behind the counter.  

Michael Z Williamson posted this on his bookface page, and I thought it would be good to post here.

First, one thing that gets me is some of the people saying that the guy was Racist.  Islam isn't a Race.  They guy was being a Bigot, however the media and their mouthpieces are trying to get the Race issue into EVERYTHING.  That's Racist, This is Racist, Racist Racist Racist.


Terminology MATTERS.  It is Bigotry, so if you see or hear someone throwing around the "R" word correct them.  It DOES matter.


If they can throw the word "Racist" around and it's negative connotations, it becomes a "trigger" word which will let them use an accusation as a cover to squelch discussion of those things they don't want to discuss.

So Correct the Terminology.  It ISN'T RACIST.  It IS Bigoted.  And the person doing it, is a Bigot.  Not a Racist.  (Well he or she might be a Racist, but the behavior they are showing isn't Racism, it is Bigotry.)

Second, Don't you get just a little tired of these media organizations trying to "Gauge" the moral behavior of America?  Since when are they the arbiters of what is and isn't moral?  Have you looked on what they are putting on the airwaves?  Who are they to cast any stones?

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