The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
Very cool site I am also a member of

Friday, April 4, 2014

Two of my e-mail accounts were hacked

If you get any e-mail from me that has a link in it, do NOT click on the link.

Someone hacked my e-mail accounts, copied the contacts list and are spooking the domain to make it look like it is coming from me.

Evidently my contacts have been sold because according to the IP's of the various originating messages they have been sent from Bosnia, Russia, Syria, and the current one is showing from Vietnam.

Here is the screen shot of the full header showing where the e-mail ACTUALLY originated from.

The originating IP is the highlighted one.

I have already changed the PW on my accounts MULTIPLE times.  The current PW's are so complex I had to write it down and if 29 letters, numbers AND symbols don't make it hard for them I don't know what else other than closing the e-mail account completely.

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