I have a news flash for you. It wasn't "Fake" news, or the Russians that got us Donald Trump as our 45th President. It was you.
It was the DNC, the Main Stream Media, Hollywood, Liberal and Leftist College Professors, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, John Kerry, and everyone who even leans a little to the left of center.
In the last eight years, we have been confronted by scandal after scandal, and coverup after coverup.
We were SICK of it.
And the DNC first played their games to push Bernie Sanders out, who actually had a very good chance of winning, better than Hillary did.
Then the DNC and the media did everything they could to get Donald trump the nomination, KNOWING they had dirt on him to hurt him in the general election.
The problem was and is, that the general public DOES NOT CARE about their little made up scandals.
They couldn't drum up enough outrage to turn the tide against Trump's win.
With all the various "Scandals" the MSM "Exposed", which they just happened to have, our outrage was pretty much spent. We didn't have any more to give.
They overplayed their hand.
And Trump won.
THEN came all the outrage on the left.
The temper tantrums.
The begging.
And the rest of us are looking at it all and saying, "Shut UP! We're tired of listening to you whine"
Because that's all they have left.
Whining and throwing tantrums.
They refuse to learn that their behavior is what caused them to lose. So like a petulant child they are going to ramp it up to eleven. And the rest of the country is going to look at them and do whatever they can to keep them out of any position of authority.
You think it's bad now? Just wait 2 years for the mid-term elections.
Keep acting this way and the rest of us will REALLY give you something to whine about.
You still haven't figured out that if you are going to act like a child, the rest of us are going to TREAT you like a child.
And what happens to a bratty child throwing a tantrum?
They get ignored until they reach the point where they have gone too far and they get spanked.
We are still in the ignore part. And yet you still haven't figured out that we are rapidly losing patience with you and your behavior.
First you tried to force recounts. when that didn't work and actually tipped your hand on the voter fraud, then you tried to subvert the election by subverting the Electors. Which is AGAINST THE LAW. But you don't care as long as YOU get your way.
Once again showing the behavior that annoyed the rest of the country and made them say "ENOUGH!"
You folks believe your own press. After all YOU OWN THE PRESS.
The problem with having your own cheering section is, that you forget that OTHER points of view exist besides your own.
And that can bite you in the ass. As has JUST been shown to you.
When Bill Clinton got shellacked in the midterms he reached across the aisle to the Republicans and actually did some good.
When Barack Obama got shellacked in the id-terms, he doubled down on stupidity.
And now he got shellacked AGAIN!.
Donald Trump's win is more of a raised middle finger from Middle America to the east and west coasts, and a repudiation of EVERYTHING they stand for.
An intelligent person would look at the results and take a moment to THINK, "If so many people are against my ideals, there MIGHT be a problem with said Ideals". And yet you have decided you are going to DOUBLE, DOUBLE down.
You know since y'all believe in evolution so much, you might want to think about your behavior a little bit.
Think about it.
Seriously think about it.
Because the more you OVER-REACT, and throw your hissy fits, and scream and yell "I'm going to hold my breath, until I get my way", the more the rest of us are going to say, "You do that, it make you easier to identify."
You have made yourself a laughingstock and lost the argument. And now you are losing the audience.
And you can't handle that.
For so long, you and your Ideals, have been the cnter of the attention and the darling of the media. You FORCED your Political Correctness and Right speech, Wrong Speech, Good Think, Bad Think, down the rest of the country's throat, and we've had it.
We're tired of being told "You can't say that!" or "You can't wear that" or "All white people are racist", "All men are misogynists", or that the Truth, is "Hate Speech".
You know what? If you don't like it here, you can always LEAVE.
But your answer to that is that I and people like me should leave.
Uhhh sorry, but I'm not the person trying to force change down others throats. YOU are. so why don't you take your unhappy little butts to another country that is just lke you want it to be, and to leave the rest of us in peace.
I'll tell you what, you can even build a wall to KEEP us in this country.
We won't mind, as long as it keeps you and people LIKE you, OUT.
The old saying saying, "You reap what you sow".
And for years you have sowed hatred and bigotry. and while you are not actually getting it in return, you seem to think that you are.
What I think you are reaping, is the total lack of care from the rest of us.
We don't care anymore what you think.
We don't care anymore how you feel.
We don't care anymore about your opinion.
So take your "thoughts", "feelings" and "opinions" and shove them where the sun don't shine.
We don't want to hear them and we don't want them.
It's time for you to shut up and GROW UP.
You've had your way for the last 8 years and you've blown it.
Now the grownups are going to try to fix your screwups.
TRY, being the operative word. As we may have been pushed too far beyond the edge, and a full recovery may not be possible.
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