The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
Very cool site I am also a member of

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Well I just had to drive 300 + miles

My 2nd eldest Sprog, the Flautist and music student, her Honda civic broke down again.  You know the one, I maxed out my credit card to fix?  Well, I think the new problem will be repaired under the shop's warranty.  At least I HOPE it will be.

That intersection about 7.5 miles north of Halletsville, Texas is where I had to go.  And according to Google Maps, it's 126 miles from my front door to there.  So, after driving 30 miles to Portland, then 30 back, then drive into town to drop off and pick up kids from Football Practice and Band Practice, and since I just filled the Suburban yesterday I reset the trip odometer.  According to it, I've driven 392 miles since noon Monday.

And in the morning, I'm going to have to drive BACK to Halletsville with a Tow Dolly, to load up my daughters car and bring it back to the mechanic who did the work the last time.

I sincerly hope his warranty covers the problem.  I still haven't paid off my credit card from the last time.

Last time it was the timing belt and all new valves, head gasket, water pump, and new plugs and wires.

From what I saw it "LOOKS" like the head gasket went out while she was driving.  All she knows is she saw a cloud of smoke coming out from under the hood and she pulled over and called me.

Me being dad, I loaded up some tools praying it was just a radiator hose and boogied up there.

Went I got there and saw all the oil in the engine compartment, and there was no oil on the dipstick, Weeeelllllll, I'll let the guy who fixed it last deal with it.

So tomorrow, (Today - Wednesday) may be light posting from me as I won't be home to check my messages and post stuff.

Everyone have a lovely day, and try to stay cool.  Tomorrow (Wednesday)'s expected Temperatures are in the high 90's (Dale Nelson From Channel 6, said 98 Degrees) with a heat index of UP TO 117-125.  And I still haven't fixed the A/C in the Suburban since I spent all my money getting Sprog #2's car fixed.  I'm going to take several frozen bottles of lemonade with me in my cooler.

And now, I'm going to take my medications and go to bed.  I have to get the boys to practice by 7:30 a.m., and it's 1:10 a.m. as I write this.

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