The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Wednesday, April 28, 2021



U.S.A.-( Knife Rights’ Texas Knife Law Reform Bill, HB 956, is set for a floor vote Monday, April 26th. Thanks for the hundreds of emails our supporters sent to members of the House Calendars Committee. Now we need to do it again for the floor vote.

HB 956 would remove from statute a number of places where Location-Restricted Knives (having blades over 5 1/2 inches) are banned, including restaurants and bars that derive 51% of their income from sale or service of alcoholic beverages, amusement parks and places of religious worship.

If you are a Texas resident, use Knife Rights’ Legislative Action Center to EMAIL your Representative and ask them to vote YES on HB 956, here.

Please share this with all your Texas friends. The more emails we can generate, the better!


In 2013 Knife Rights’ repeal of Texas’ switchblade ban was enacted. In 2015 Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption was enacted, nullifying all local knife ordinances more restrictive than Texas state law, including two of the “10 Worst Anti-Knife Cities in America” at the time, San Antonio and Corpus Christi. In 2017 our bill removed all of the “illegal knives” in Texas law, finally allowing Texans the right to carry a Bowie knife, dagger and others in public. In 2019 our bill removed the ban on carry of clubs (including tomahawks) and possession of knuckles (including trench knives and the like).


Click the link to read the whole article:   Knife Rights URGENT TEXAS ACTION ALERT

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