The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Monday, October 21, 2013

DHS Knows something is coming

After all they know from other government agencies just what the rest of the monstrosity is doing and not doing.  So is this really any surprise?

"The Department of Homeland Security is set to spend $80 million dollars on hiring a raft of armed guards to protect IRS and other government buildings in upstate New York during “public demonstrations” and “civil disturbances,” once again prompting concerns that the federal agency is preparing for food stamp riots, anti-tax demonstrations or some other form of domestic unrest."

Here are my questions.

These armed guards and security officers, are they going to be held to the state standard of training or the federal standard of training?

What armaments are they going to be issued?

Who is the direct supervisor for them?

Who does that supervisor answer to?


Old NFO said...

Good questions, and GOOD luck getting straight answers...

KurtP said...

It'll be union Goons repaying 0bama for everything he's handed them so far.

-We don't need no accountability!-